
A process is an operation that performs a specific task, see the glossary for a detailed definition. It consists of an id (the identifying name of the process), a set of parameters, a return type and may throw errors or exceptions. In openEO, processes are used to build a chain of processes (process graph), which can be applied to EO data to derive your own findings from the data.

Core processes

There are some processes that we define to be core processes that are pre-defined and back-ends SHOULD follow these specifications to be interoperable. Not all processes need to be implemented by all back-ends.

See the process reference for pre-defined processes.

Defining processes

Any back-end provider can either implement a set of pre-defined processes (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) or define new processes for their domain.

To define new processes, back-end providers MUST follow the process schema in the API specification. This includes:

  • Choosing a intuitive and ideally unique name as process id, consisting of only letters (a-z), numbers and underscores.
  • Defining the parameters and their exacts (JSON) schemes.
  • Specifying the return value of a process also with a (JSON) schema.
  • Providing examples or compliance tests.
  • Trying to make the process universially usable so that other back-end providers or openEO can adopt it.

openEO specific formats

In addition to the native data formats specified by JSON schema, openEO defines a set of specific formats that should be re-used in process schema definitions:

Format Name Data type Description
band-name string A band name available in the data cube.
bounding-box object A bounding box with the required fields west, south, east, north and optionally base, height, crs. The crs is a EPSG code or PROJ definition.
callback object An openEO process graph that is passed as an argument and is expected to be executed by the process. Callback parameters are specified in a parameters property (see chapter "Callbacks" below).
collection-id string A collection id from the list of supported collections. Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.~/]+$
date string Date only representation, as defined for full-date by RFC 3339 in section 5.6. The time zone is UTC.
date-time string Date and time representation, as defined for date-time by RFC 3339 in section 5.6.
epsg-code integer Specifies details about cartographic projections as EPSG code.
geojson object GeoJSON as defined by RFC 7946. JSON Schemes for validation are available.
job-id string A batch job id, either one of the jobs a user has stored or a publicly available job. Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.~]+$
kernel array Image kernel, a multi-dimensional array of numbers.
output-format string An output format supported by the back-end.
output-format-options object Key-value-pairs with arguments for the output format options supported by the back-end.
process-graph-id string A process graph id, either one of the process graphs a user has stored or a publicly available process graph. Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.~]+$
process-graph-variables object Key-value-pairs with values for variables that are defined by the process graph. The key of the pair is the variable_id for the value specified.
proj-definition string Specifies details about cartographic projections as PROJ definition.
raster-cube object A raster data cube, an image collection stored at the back-end. Different back-ends have different internal representations for this data structure.
temporal-interval array A two-element array, which describes a left-closed temporal interval. The first element is the start of the date and/or time interval. The second element is the end of the date and/or time interval. The specified temporal strings follow the formats date-time, date (see above) and time (see below).
temporal-intervals array An array of two-element arrays, each being an array with format temporal-interval (see above).
time string Time only representation, as defined for full-time by RFC 3339 in section 5.6. Although RFC 3339 prohibits the hour to be '24', this definition allows the value '24' for the hour as end time in an interval in order to make it possible that left-closed time intervals can fully cover the day.
vector-cube object A vector data cube, a vector collection stored at the back-end. Different back-ends have different internal representations for this data structure


A callback is defined by setting the type to object and the format to callback. Additionally, it must have a property parameters (a custom JSON Schema keyword). parameters must be an object with the keys being the callback parameter names and the values being a valid JSON Schema again.

A schema for a callback with two parameters dimension (a string) and data (an array of numbers) could be defined as follows:

  "type": "object",
  "format": "callback",
  "parameters": {
    "dimension": {
      "description": "Name of the dimension",
      "type": "string"
    "data": {
      "description": "Data for the dimension",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "number"